About Us

BAAMS promotes the science of behavior analysis and its associated technologies within the State of Mississippi.

Connecting ABA Providers in the Magnolia State

The Behavior Analysis Association of Mississippi (BAAMS) was founded on February 7, 2015 with the intention to promote the science of behavior analysis and its associated technologies within the state of Mississippi. Specifically, according to the constitution of the organization, our purpose is to:

  • Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for all in the State of Mississippi
    who identify themselves as scientists or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the
    principles and practices of behavior analysis.
  • Promote research that will advance the understanding of both human and animal behavior
    from a behavioral analytic orientation.
  • Identify and promote the use of effective, humane, and ethical behavioral procedures in
    meeting the educational and habilitative needs of persons that are typically-developing
    and persons with developmental disabilities within the State of Mississippi.
  • Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to all matters
    pertaining to behavior analysis in the State of Mississippi.
  • Organize and sponsor an Annual Convention, which shall serve as a forum for
    presentation of scientific progress, technological advancements, and clinical practice, as
    well as discussion of the affairs of the organization.

In 2021, the Executive Council developed a mission statement for BAAMS. Our mission is to promote and support the practice, research, education, and dissemination of behavior analysis throughout the state of Mississippi.

BAAMS also exists to connect behavior analytic providers across the state of Mississippi by creating and organizing networking, continuing education, and social events throughout the calendar year. Upon membership to our organization, members are identified as living and practicing in one of four regions across the state; each region has a representative member that serves on our Executive Council and who is responsible for creating and organizing monthly meetups and events to connect members from their region.

As of January of 2022, BAAMS had 52 full members, 2 affiliate members, and 75 student members. Our organization is managed and lead by our Executive Council, which consists of nominated and elected members who serve in the roles of: Past President, President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and a representative for the Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) and the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA), Regional Representatives, and a Student Representative.